Gentle Release Therapy and Sleep....

Jul 28, 2023

Getting enough sleep and getting the best quality of sleep is so important to our health and wellbeing. You only need to look at the number of gadgets available to us to track and monitor our sleep to see that its an important topic right now.

Why are we so interested in sleep? Good sleep can help your mood and reduce stress, support your immune system, help maintain a healthy weight, lower risk for serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease and improves attention and concentration.

Our clients often report sleeping better after Gentle Release Therapy treatments, but why is that and what can you do for yourself to support your sleep at home?

Gentle Release Therapy brings together the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy work and cranial release. We believe that these elements together bring about significant release and positive change for our clients on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

The body isn’t a series of separate body systems as the Western Medical Model would have us believe, working with each client as a unique individual and releasing their tension, blockages and stress in a bespoke way rather than a one treatment fits all approach is why Gentle Release Therapy shines. Treatments can be carried out in person with gentle touch, either by a practitioner or on yourself or by distance in a virtual treatment.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is extremely complicated and I’m sure it would be easily possible to write a 10,000 word dissertation on the subject. With Gentle Release we keep it straightforward and simple and release the areas each individual client needs.

Insomnia can be caused by a variety and combination of issues such as a cranial imbalance, restriction in the neck, hormones and from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective the Heart, Lungs, Gallbladder and Liver can also play a part.

Gentle Release Therapy uses energy work to allow the body to gently let go of tension and blocks in a bespoke treatment to allow the body to unwind, realign and release. A treatment would often focus on the abdominal areas to begin with using a gentle still touch, then move on to the cranial system including important areas for sleep the Sphenoid, the Sphenobasilar Synchondrosis and the neck.

Acupuncture points can be released using energy work rather than needles and therapists learn to know whether a point needs releasing and when it’s clear. We also have an endocrine release that can be included to support hormonal issues.

Gallbladder 21 (GB21)
Is a really lovely point, that ‘descends qi’ when we send energy downward it can feel very grounding and settling, especially if there is too much going on in the head. When my daughter has felt unsure at a party or event I’ve noticed that I put my hands on her shoulders to allow her to feel more grounded and bring the energy down, it’s a really comforting thing to do. If you put both hands flat on the shoulders you won’t be far off this point. This point also calms the mind and helps with pain.Be aware that GB21 is contraindicated in pregnancy, until baby is ready to arrive!

The animals want to go to sleep is a guided Gentle Release I created for kids which is free to listen to on YouTube or you can download from our website for a small charge

For older children and grown ups there is a a Guided Gentle Release to Support Sleep on YouTube which you can find here